As a follow-up of the Comenius meeting in Guadeloupe we have started this blog. We are part of a large “Comenius Family” whose members are Policka in Czech Republic, Neustadt in Germany, Bergen in Norway, Mikkeli in Finland, Tanum in Sweden, Pointe Noire in Guadaloupe-France, and our sister town, Salerno in Italy. The The main aim of this project is to really make our students part of a European Classroom through the use ICT-tools. In this way borders and distances disappear and communication becomes easier and more immediate. This blog is a new challenge and we are ready for it.

venerdì 9 gennaio 2009

The Befana comes at night....

On January 5th Italian children gather around the fireplace at night. New presents are coming because the Befana is arriving!!!!!

The Befana is an old woman, similar to a witch. Her origins date back to pre-christian traditions, in fact she reminds us of the presents offered to Jesus from the Magi. She wears a dark loose skirt with coloured patches, an apron with pockets, a shawl, a headscarf or old hat, a pair of old slippers. She flies on a broom carrying a big sack full of presents, candies, but also coal. She comes down through the chimney and fills children’s socks: presents and sweets for the good but coal for the bad ones!!!!!!
We dedicate to her this nursery rhyme:

La Befana vien di notte
Con le scarpe tutte rotte
Col cappello alla romana
Francesca (4B)

4 commenti:

  1. Hi!! I think its cool with the Befana! We in Sweden dont celebrate anything like that. Its sound really great!
    I think your blog looks beuteful!

    From Annie, Sweden

  2. Oh, I don't want to have coal, but I hope I've been nice. We don't celebrate her or anything, but it sound fun. :)

    Moa, Sweden

  3. It sounds very fun with the Befana! We have nothing like that in Sweden. I hope the new year has been good this far!
    /Anna Clara, Sweden

  4. Hi, i like this article, i too have a website about La befana. Would you like to do a link exchange? if you link to my website from this article i will link to you. Let me know..
